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Pets in the Raw
Janine, Gus & Mindy
I've always been involved with pets from childhood through to my hobbies and working life.
With a background in detector dog handling/scent detection, boarding kennel attendant and dog training.
In 2016 I decided to focus on the area of whole foods and a holistic approach to pet health.
As I see this as the foundation for our pets health.
My dad is a retired holistic GP and has always instilled in me the importance of supporting my immune system with whole foods and low tox lifestyle.
Whilst I'm not perfect in this area it has left a lasting impression on me and now I can also apply this to my pets health as well.
In 2015, I adopted Gus, a chocolate cattle dog.
Not keen on the highly processed pet foods on offer at the supermarket or the larger pet stores.
This is when I discovered raw & fresh food feeding and so the journey began into learning more about our pets health and well being.
I'm very passionate about providing information for your pets diet, healthy lifestyle and well being.
In 2017 I opened a pet food store on the Gold Coast, called Wholefood Pet Market.
This was a very rewarding time, providing advice, healthy food and receiving feedback from customers stating how much their pets health had improved since offering their pets the fresher food options.
In 2023 I closed my business as it had become all consuming running a physical retail store and looking back I was suffering from burn out.
I have changed the name of my business to Pets in the Raw.
My goal is to provide useful information to facilitate your pets health and well being journey.
Please check out my blog page for more information.
You can also refer to my directory page for links to Gold Coast goods and service.
A special mention about our newest addition to the family, Mindy.
We adopted Mindy from Lucky Paws Dog Rescue in 2022.
If you are thinking of getting a new addition to the family we highly recommend adopting or fostering a puppy or dog.
Mindy & Gus
Janine & Chloe Detector Dog Team at Sydney Airport 1996
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